February 2nd, 2017:
Community vigil march
In Belleville, the inclusivity committee announced plans to hold a vigil in the city on Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. It will involve a march from the Islamic Society mosque down to City Hall. Dr. Aruna Alexander called the tragedy in Quebec “a very sad event” but noted it would improve, not diminish, the relationship between Canadians of all faiths and religions.
May 10th, 2017:
Belleville Inclusion committee logo unveiling
BELLEVILLE — The image shows a bunch of crayons, of different colours, placed side-by-side with smiling faces. Those crayons, the artwork suggests, have the ability to make something beautiful and was chosen to serve as the new logo for the city’s inclusion committee — a group that meets regularly to promote multiculturalism and equality.
October 11th, 2017:
Welcome of International Students
We celebrated our community welcoming of international students, inaugrated in 2009, it was an initiative of the United Nations Association in Canada, Quinte Branch (UNAC-Quinte). Six years ago, UNAC-QUINTE presented a proposal to the Equity and Inclusive Education Advisory Committee of the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board(HPEDSB).The United Nations Association in Canada wished to launch an annual welcoming celebration which would highlight the importance of inclusivity and international connection within the Quinte region.
Recieving unanimous support for the idea,UNAC-QUINTE joined with HPEDSB to organize the first Community Welcome event at The Belleville Public Library in October of 2009.Impressed with the success of that first event,both the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District Board and Loyalist College,joined with us and have been participating enthusiastically since 2010.In 2011,Albert College joined the team,a decision that was particularly fitting since Albert College is the first international schoool in Belleville,one that has been welcoming students students of many nationalities since the mid 1930's.For this event the College has on several occasions shared student volunteers,the spaciousness of Ackerman Hall,and the beauty and intimacy of its chapel.Recognizing the economic ,social and cultural contribution made by international students to our community,the City of Belleville has been a supportive partner since 2012.
November 3rd, 2017:
United Nations Day
Leadership summit - Millennium Sustainable Developmental Goal Number 16 Inclusivity
November 8th, 2017:
Ambassadors for Belleville with Mayor Taso Christopher​
November 26th, 2017:
Inclusive Christmas Tree
December 3rd, 2017:
Installation of Peace Poll Celebration